Abstract Submission
Key Dates
Abstract submission | August 1 – November 19, 2023 |
Abstract review process | November 20, 2023 – January 2024 |
Decision about accepted abstracts | February, 2024 |
Early bird registration | December 2023 – April 14, 2024 |
Regular registration | April 15 - August 30, 2024 |
Workshops registration | June - October 2024 |
Late registration | September 1 - 31, 2024 |
Oral presentation upload | October 10, 2024 |
Abstract submission closed
Congress topics
- New Trends/Emerging Areas
- Mental Health
- Physical Health
- Education
- Multidisciplinary Interventions and Approaches
- Occupation Focused Research and Research Methods
- Public Health
- Student Research
- Quality Improvement
Submission guidelines
- Please read the following guide carefully, as you will only be able to make changes to your author information data and abstract submission content until the end of the submission period. After this period no changes are possible. The information submitted will be the primordial reference for the congress content related documents and communication. It is the author’s responsibility to submit correct information.
- All submissions must be related to the topics of the 1st Occupational Therapy Europe Congress – Future Proofing Occupational Therapy.
- Please note your abstract must be in English. It should not exceed 200 words, exclusive the title.
- Keep abbreviations to a minimum and define each one when it is used for the first time.
- This is a blind review process, so please remove any personal identifiers.
Abstract structure
The title of your presentation should be no more than 12 words.
Abstract text body
Your abstract will have a maximum of 200 words and should include a brief explanation of how your presentation is related to your selected topic.
Author Information
You will be asked to:
- identify who will be the corresponding author (this person will be the recipient of all communication from the 1st OT Europe Congress abstract submission platform regarding the abstract submission);
- who will be the presenting author / authors (these will figure in the 1st OT Europe Congress extended programme, by the order they are introduced in the abstract submission platform).
Presentation format
You will be able to choose from several presentation formats for your abstract:
Oral Presentation: 12 minutes max., possibly supported by slides (maximum of 8 slides).
Oral submission should be in following format:
- Research based abstracts: Background, Aim(s)/Objective(s), Methods, Results, Conclusions.
- Education related abstracts: Background, Theory, Pedagogy/Educational approach(es) used, Evaluation, Application to Research and/or Education
- Practice based abstracts: Background, Theoretical underpinning (e.g.Model of Practice, Occupational Evidence base), Assessment/Intervention/Technique, Evaluation of outcome, Application to practice
Poster: A poster provides the opportunity to present findings or lessons supported by figure and graphics with a structure following the oral submission formats. The text should be large enough to be read from 1,5m distance. Poster format should be: size ISO A0, vertical orientation.
Additional Information
You should include up to 5 references to your oral presentation/poster, 3 keywords and if you are presenting as a student, approval from your teacher must be specified.
To Remember
All communications in regards to your abstract are done via ExOrdo.
Review results are communicated in February, 2024.
Only accepted submissions with a completed registration, will be included in the 1st OT Europe Congress programme.
Any queries, contact congressprogramme@ot-europe2024.com
Note: If you encounter any difficulties using this website on your mobile or tablet then please logout and complete your abstract submission on a PC or laptop instead.
Abstract submission closed

Congress Secretariat
Professional Congress Organizer
Mazurkas Congress Management
Al. Wojska Polskiego 27
01-515 Warsaw, Poland