List of Sponsors and Exhibitors

Logo Company name Exhibitor's profile information
Gold sponsor
BTL Polska Sp. z.o.o BTL Polska Sp. z o.o. was established in 2001 and is the official representative of BTL Industries in Poland. We offer a wide range of equipment for physiotherapy, neurorehabilitation, cardiology, spirometry, aesthetic medicine and dentistry. Our products are distinguished by innovation and intuitive use, excellent performance and the highest quality workmanship.
Silver sponsor
ALED | DVE | EA | EVS-ASE The four associations: ALED - Association Luxembourgeoise des Ergothérapeutes diplômés, DVE - Deutscher Verband Ergotherapie, EA - Ergotherapie Austria, EVS/ASE - Ergotherapie-Verband Schweiz are the german speaking associations representing the profession of occupational therapy in each particular country and looking forward to your visit to the booth!
Occupational Therapy Europe Foundation The Occupational Therapy Europe Foundation is a registered charity in the Netherlands. It operates in line with the charity regulations of The Netherlands. Occupational Therapy Europe brings together the Council of Occupational Therapists for the European Countries (COTEC), European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE) and Research into Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science Foundation (ROTOS) to provide a combined voice to achieve greater visibility and advocacy for occupational therapy across Europe. These ongoing joint efforts underscore the effectiveness of collaborative approaches in driving practical actions and facilitating information exchange within our profession. Mission Statement: Occupational Therapy Europe Foundation is the umbrella-organisation of Occupational Therapy education, practice and research, creating one strong voice for Occupational Therapy in Europe which strives to make the Occupational Therapy profession Visible, Valued, Available and Accessible for all citizens in Europe. Strategic aims 2021-2025: to engage with and influence the development of European policy that impacts on health, participation and/or well-being; to collaborate with and build effective strategic partnerships with service users, professional organisations and key policy makers in Europe; and to support and promote COTEC, ENOTHE and ROTOS in developing and delivering high quality Occupational Therapy professional practice, education and research.
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Terapii Zajeciowej (Polish Occupational Therapy Association) The Association's objectives are:

promoting initiatives aimed at developing higher education in occupational therapy, including providing support in planning, implementing, evaluating or reviewing occupational therapy curricula, in terms of their compliance with the Minimum Standards of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, at various levels of education

supporting activities aimed at developing professional staff in the field of occupational therapy, including creating principles and patterns of occupational therapy practice based on ethical standards and global standards

action aimed at implementing the Minimum Standards of the World Federation of Occupational Therapy, taking into account Polish thought and practice of occupational therapy,

integration of persons and institutions directly or indirectly involved in the practice of occupational therapy,

integration of the scientific community: persons and institutions conducting research in the field of occupational therapy and in the areas related,
acting for international cooperation, integration and exchange of persons professionally or scientifically involved with occupational therapy and related fields,
initiating and conducting cultural, informational, educational activities and scientific research focused on occupational therapy in the broad sense, as well as participating in activities and initiatives of a similar nature,
broadly understood activities for im
recoveriX g.tec medical engineering GmbH was founded in 1999 by Dr. Christoph Guger and Dr. Günter Edlinger in Austria. The company specializes in developing high-performance brain-computer interfaces and neurotechnologies for both invasive and non-invasive recordings in research and clinical settings. g.tec’s product portfolio includes biosignal amplifiers, EEG electrodes and caps, and stimulation devices used for brain monitoring and rehabilitation. g.tec is renowned for its commitment to innovation and quality in the medical engineering field, making significant contributions to advancements in neurotechnology. recoveriX is a brain-computer interface technology that helps the brain rewire itself to relearn lost motor functions.
recoveriX specifically developed for clients with neurological deficits. Clients who had a stroke, a traumatic brain injury or another brain injury can do the training. Furthermore, clients with hemiplegia, movement impairments resulting from brain damage, pain, spasticity or Multiple Sclerosis can benefit from the training.
Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie is the oldest and largest medical publishing house in Poland, operating today as part of Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.. Its mission is to provide reliable knowledge and innovative educational solutions that customers will use throughout their lives. PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie presents a wide range of scientific offerings for the medical community - professional literature, academic textbooks and monographs, dictionaries, lexicons, encyclopedias, both medical handbooks and teaching materials.
LIETUVOS SVEIKATOS MOKSLŲ UNIVERSITETAS Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) is the largest institution of higher education for biomedical sciences in Lithuania, successfully integrating studies, research, and clinical practice.

To create, accumulate, systematise and disseminate scientific knowledge, the latest scientific and academic achievements, to teach and develop a creative, honest, enterprising, educated, healthy, independent and entrepreneurial personality, to foster democracy and welfare, a healthy and educated society. The exceptional role of LSMU in this education process is the pursuit of a healthy society that guarantees social and economic progress of the country, the civilizational identity of Lithuania, creation of the country’s and the world’s culture and traditions, their preservation and development. Animal health and welfare is an integral part of that ambition.

Respect for Life
VIVES University of Applied Sciences With approximately 17.000 students, VIVES is one of the largest universities of applied sciences of Belgium.
With locations in five cities in West Flanders, at the heart of Europe, we offer programmes in six fields of study: Applied Engineering and Technology, Applied Social Studies, Biotechnology, Commercial Sciences, Business Management and Informatics, Education and Health Care.
VIVES University of Applied Sciences, with its modern and competence-based higher education, its innovative practical research, and its services provided to society, offers an adequate response to the social challenges of today and tomorrow.
VIVES is fully and actively committed to the development of competences. Students are given every opportunity to work on their future. This is reflected in the motto of the university of applied sciences: Design Your Future. That’s why the university of applied sciences offers them extensive opportunities to develop and spread their expertise.
VIVES opts to give centre stage to responsibility and ownership, and appreciation and respect for each individual.
Sustainability is another important commitment for VIVES.
VIVES aims to be a trendsetter in higher professional education through innovation.
Our core business is to ensure higher education for students at bachelor level (EQF level 6). VIVES is “open” to the world. We work closely together with export-oriented local and regional enterprises in the broadest sense.
European MSc in Occupational Therapy The European MSc in Occupational Therapy, also known as the "OT EuroMaster" is offered by a consortium of five partners:
- the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands,
- the Zürich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in Switzerland,
- Brighton University in the UK,
- the University of a Coruña in Spain
- and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.

This unique programme enables students to visit each partner university, while developing advanced academic and research skills, deep insight into occupational science, socio-cultural aspects of occupational therapy and internationalisation.

Applicants need a BSc in Occupational Therapy and English skills at IELTS Academic level 6.5 or equivalent.
Find out more on and come and meet staff, students and alumni of the programme at OT-Europe 2024!
Think Self-Management Chronic disease complicates treatment and management in an already overburdened healthcare system. Especially as populations are aging.

“Self-management” is essential to navigating life with many chronic conditions. But there is a gap between what the research shows to be effective tools for managing these conditions, and the tools that healthcare professionals can actually access and implement.

Think Self-Management (TSM) tackles this challenge by providing a one-stop hub for evidence-based resources for self-management practices. By making tools and resources created by chronic disease researchers readily accessible to healthcare providers, TSM empowers individuals with chronic conditions to develop self-management skills. Leading to improved health and overall well-being, at scale. Think Self-Management's flagship program the Packer Managing Fatigue Program, is 6-week occupational therapy intervention for the management of severe fatigue caused by chronic conditions. We look forward to speaking with our occupational therapy colleagues from across Europe!
SPOTeurope SPOTeurope is the Student Platform for Occupational Therapy in Europe. It is run by students for students and is a part of the European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE).
We aim to encourage and increase OT student connection across Europe as well as ensure students voices are heard in the development of occupational therapy education.
COTEC - The Council of Occupational Therapists for the European Countries COTEC was established in 1986 with the purpose of coordinating the views of the National Associations of Occupational Therapy in Europe. The aim of COTEC is to enable National Associations of Occupational Therapists to work together to develop, harmonise and improve standards of professional practice and advance the theory of Occupational Therapy throughout Europe to best address the social and health issues affecting European citizens. COTEC strives to make Occupational Therapy visible, valued, accessible and available for all European citizens by supporting its members and by collaborating on a European level.

COTEC is the European organization for all Occupational Therapists through their National Associations, with the purpose of ensuring an adequate number of high-quality occupational therapy practitioners and services in Europe.

COTEC is a non-profit organisation (NGO) and represents 33 European Occupational Therapy Associations and more than 215,000 Occupational Therapists. COTEC is a regional group of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT).
Research into Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science (ROTOS) The Research into Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science (ROTOS) Foundation is a registered charity in the Netherlands, KVK Number 77629779. It operates in line with the charity regulations of The Netherlands. ROTOS’ vision is: Improving European peoples’ lives by having one strong voice about the benefits of occupational therapy and occupational science research. ROTOS’ mission is: Connecting occupational therapists and occupational science researchers across Europe to maximise the impact of their research.
Goals: 1. Sustainability: ROTOS aims to build a sustainable Foundation to work towards its mission and vision; 2. Connections: ROTOS aims to build a strong network of occupational therapy and occupational science researchers; 3. Research Impact: ROTOS aims to support occupational therapy and occupational science researchers to build impact for people and society into their research; 4. Use of voice: ROTOS aims to encourage occupational therapy and occupational science researchers to use their voice
ENOTHE - European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education ENOTHE is a non-profit organisation, funded by annual subscription membership and is concerned with the standards and quality of professional education of occupational therapists across Europe.
One of the primary aims is to ensure that there is a robust educational system for European occupational therapists, which demonstrates comparability, high quality and flexibility to respond to changes in health and societal issues, policy and practice. Moreover, ENOTHE is committed to harmonising and improving standards of professional education, practice and research as well as advancing that body of knowledge of occupational therapy and occupational science throughout Europe. ENOTHE also seeks to ensure that the professional education produces graduates who are fit for the future and able to work within an evolving political context.
ENOTHE was originally founded in 1995 and in December 2017 ENOTHE was registered as a legal form of an association non-governmental organisation (NGO) under Austrian law and entered in the Austrian register of associations.
ENOTHE has 100+ members spread across 36 countries worldwide.
Local Craft Village
WTZ Fundacja "Promyczek" The Occupational Therapy Workshop "Promyczek" in Andrychów, operated by the "Promyczek" Foundation, supports the vocational and social rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Our main goal is to help these individuals return to active vocational and social life by acquiring and restoring essential skills.

"Promyczek" focuses on comprehensive rehabilitation, encompassing both professional development and social integration. We strive for holistic rehabilitation by tailoring programs to the individual needs of participants, allowing for the development of both vocational and social skills. This approach helps them regain confidence and the ability to function independently.

Our overarching aim is to create favorable conditions for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Through a variety of activities, we help develop the skills needed for employment, enabling full participation in professional and social life. We create a safe, supportive environment where everyone has the opportunity to develop their talents and feel like a valued member of the community.
Środowiskowy Dom Samopomocy w Skawinie ŚDS Skawina is a center for adults with mental disorders and intellectual disabilities. Established in 2005, our goal is to comprehensively support people with disabilities with emphasis on their abilities and personal skills. We consistently build a positive image of people with disabilities in the community. The result of our efforts is the hope of the wards, self-confidence, identification with the group. The center operates: SDS Participants' Self-Government, Krewni Pana Boga Theater Group, Family Support Group. The therapy we offer is training in social and life skills. It teaches independence and develops individual abilities. Implemented trainings: culinary, handicraft, ceramic, computer and printing, fine arts and applied arts. The Center also offers additional activities: music therapy, recreational activities, hiking trips, swimming pool, Nordic - walking. Currently, we are focusing all our energies on raising money to complete the construction of our dream house. We encourage you to like our FB @SKAWINASDS observe us on Insta /sdsskawina and support on our website
Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju Psychiatrii i Opieki Środowiskowej The Association was established in 1999 in Krakow to continue the work of Professor Antoni Kępiński, but since 1975 its future members have been building institutions and therapeutic programs for mentally ill people and their families in our city. For this purpose, together with the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University, the University Hospital and the Association of Patients "Open the Door" and Families "Mental Health", we have established a Consortium named after Professor Antoni Kępiński.
The Association cooperates with many governmental, local government and non-governmental organizations in Krakow, Poland and many European countries. For our activity in the program "Live, live, work and heal in the local community, we were honored with the award of the Chapter "Pro Publico Bono" and the Andrzej Piotrowski ZG PTP.
Our goal is to develop psychiatry and community-based care to provide comprehensive assistance to families and people suffering from mental disorders in achieving full participation in social and professional life.
Bonifraterska Fundacja Dobroczynna Bonifraterska Fundacja Dobroczynna (BFD) is a non- governmental organization in Poland. It works for people with disabilities, their families and their legal guardians. The purpose of the foundation is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities, creating conditions for compliance with human rights, driving them towards active participation in social life and support their families. The Statute of the Foundation contains the following objectives: social assistance, social and professional rehabilitation, promotion and protection of equal rights for people at risk of social exclusion, education, creating and developing new forms of social and educational support. The centre in Konary works in rural and disadvantaged areas in five municipalities where people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups live, having limited access to cultural life.In this area, BFD has a welfare self-improvement house, occupational therapy workshop, a social welfare house, a department for professional activities. BFD takescare of over 180 people with disabilities and mental problems. The organization employs about 120 workers and professionals who provide daily or round-the-clock care for clients.
Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Osób niepełnosprawnych i Ich Przyjaciół KLIKA Klika is an association of young volunteers, mostly students bringing help and joy to people with disabilities. The association was founded in 1971 at the monastery of the Fr. Dominican monastery in Cracow, when members of the Beczka Academic Pastoral began activities aimed at helping the disabled, aiming at their integration into society. Students accompanied the disabled in daily activities, organized walks and outings to the cinema, did the shopping, cleaned the wards' apartments and shared time with them at holiday camps and retreats away. Because of the specific activities, the group that was formed was given the nickname “Klika” and its motto became “Get people out of the house”.

On December 27, 1990, Klika became a legal entity, and since December 22, 2005 it has had the status of a Public Benefit Organization No. KRS 0000236096 The Association has been repeatedly recognized and awarded for its activities and their effects. In 2013, Grzegorz Sotoła, president of the Association, was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Rebirth of Poland.
The Association's activities are mainly focused on supporting people with disabilities, who need the help of other people to function in society. The charges of the Clique struggle mainly with diseases of the locomotor system, such as infantile cerebral palsy, arthrogryposis, muscular atrophy and other associated diseases. Some of the wards live with their families or are quite independent. In such cases, our help.

Organised by

Polish Occupational Therapy Association

Honorary Patronage

Congress Secretariat

Professional Congress Organizer
Mazurkas Congress Management
Al. Wojska Polskiego 27
01-515 Warsaw, Poland

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