Guidelines for Authors
Guidelines for Oral Presentations
Length of Presentations
- Each oral presentation must not exceed 10 minutes . This time limit will be strictly enforced to ensure the smooth running of the congress and to give all presenters the opportunity to share their work
- Time Management: Be mindful of your time. The session chair will signal when you have 2 minutes left to wrap up.
- Following each presentation, the chair will facilitate a brief Question & Answer session. Be prepared to answer questions succinctly.
Structure of Presentations
- Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and the topic of your presentation.
- Main Content: Focus on the key points, findings, and insights of your work.
- Conclusion: Summarise the main takeaways and, if time permits, suggest possible future directions or applications.
Session Chairs
- There will be a chair for each parallel session who will:
- Introduce the presenters.
- Monitor the time and signal when there are 2 minutes remaining.
- Facilitate the Q&A session after each presentation
- We recommend that you meet the chair in the session room 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the session. This will enable you to meet each other, go over the run of session as well as the opportunity to check audio and visuals.
Preparation Tips
- Rehearse: Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure it fits within the 10-minute limit.
- Slide Design: Keep slides clear and concise. Avoid overcrowding with too much text or data.
- Engage the Audience: Make eye contact, and use gestures and vocal variety to maintain interest.
- Only .ppt, .pptx or .pdf files are accepted
- All file types are limited to 50 MB per upload. If you upload multiple files, the limit would be 50 MB per file.
- Please save you presentation with lead presenter’s name and date/time of presentation as follows: [Year month day _time_leadpresenters-name_title-short] sample: 20241016_1100_Smith_sample-presentation-title
not just the name of the conference. This will prevent any confusion when loading the presentation on the computer.
- If you will be showing video fragments – include them in the presentation.
- Presentations must be uploaded to Ex Ordo by October 1, 2024, 23:59 CET.
- Log in to your ex ordo account and attach the presentation file. Link to ex-ordo:
Guidelines for Poster Presentations
All the posters at the OT-Europe congress will be presented as printed posters.
- Each poster presenter will be provided with a poster board labelled with the preassigned id-number to display
- Maximum and Recommended A0 size Portrait Poster: 1189 mm height and 841 mm width.
- The printed poster may contain text, figures, tables, photographs, etc, which should be neat and legible from approximately 1.50m.
- It is recommended to use at least a 24-point type size for the text.
- The illustrations and photos should be enlarged enough to show relevant details.
POSTER Set-Up, Presentation and Dismantle
- Poster presentations are organised in 3 Poster Sessions. Each session is scheduled for a whole day.
- Poster presenters should set-up (prior to the first scheduled presentation on the day), and remove their posters (at the end of the last session) on their scheduled day
* All the materials necessary to fasten the poster to the poster board will be available at the posters’ help desk in the respective poster area.
Congress Secretariat
Professional Congress Organizer
Mazurkas Congress Management
Al. Wojska Polskiego 27
01-515 Warsaw, Poland